Staff shortages have escalated in the last three months to become the top emerging risk that organizations face globally, according to Gartner, Inc.’s latest Emerging Risks Survey.
The survey of 137 senior executives in 4Q18 showed that concerns about “talent shortages” now outweigh those around “accelerating privacy regulation” and “cloud computing”, which were the top two risks in the 3rd Quarter 2018 Emerging Risk Monitor.
“Organizations face huge challenges from the pace of business change, accelerating privacy regulations and the digitalization of their industries,” said Matt Shinkman, managing vice president and risk practice leader at Gartner. “A common denominator here is that addressing these top business challenges involves hiring new talent that is in incredibly short supply.”
“Unfortunately for most organizations, the most critical talent needs are also the most rare and expensive to hire for,” said Mr. Shinkman.
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SOURCE: "Gartner Survey Shows Global Talent Shortage Is Now the Top Emerging Risk Facing Organizations," January 17, 2019.