Rethinking Life-science's talent search

With the ever changing evolution of the gig economy, many industries have had to adjust to meet the demands of the market to continue to ensure that they were still hiring top talents, that goes for industries like Pharma and Biotech. As outlined in this Pharma Exec article published this year, Pharma has been considered the employer of choice for a long time, an industry where many employees would jumpstart their careers as they sought the opportunity to grow within a company or move comfortably to another industry employer. 

Rahul Chaturvedi

Rahul Chaturvedi
CEO, Clora

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How to Build Your All-Star, Skills-Based Life Science Team

Finding the right people to add to your team at just the right time has long been a rate-limiting factor for many life science companies. Many companies face an ongoing need for experienced, battle-tested talent to address the dynamic challenges of the product development process.

13 Traits of a Great Life Science Consultant

Today, more and more pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device companies are tapping into the on-demand expertise of life science consultants.

If you’re an experienced life science professional looking for fulfilling, well-compensated work that excites you, your opportunities are on the rise. Of course, the process of acquiring short-term engagements may seem like a daunting venture at first.  To help you find the best consulting positions available, we’ve highlighted what we believe are the most compelling traits of top performing life science consultants.

How the Skills Based Economy Is Transforming the Life Science Industry

Life science industry professionals are fortunate that they’re able to enjoy rewarding careers as they work to bring new therapies to market to help improve human lives.

However, when it comes to bringing these new therapies to market quickly and efficiently, there is ample room for all of us in this industry to do better.

Why We Created Clora

I, like many others in the biotech, pharmaceutical, and medical device industries, fortuitously fell into a career in this inspiring field that puts patients and their well-being above all else. The level of compassion that the majority of the life sciences industry demonstrates daily while urgently trying to solve complex scientific problems that have global repercussions on humanity is incredibly energizing.

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